Friday, February 23, 2007

Bogus Grouper on the Gulfshore

Four months ago, we began an investigation that has now spread like wildfire across the state. The idea first stemmed from a St. Petersburg Times newspaper article which found restaurants in that area serving up bogus grouper, but charging customers for the real thing. We knew if it was happening up the road, chances are, it was happening here, but to what extent?

Back in November, we tested the grouper from 8 randomly selected Gulfshore restaurants. Then, we had the DNA of each grouper tested, to see if what we ordered was really grouper. To be honest, I thought, MAYBE, one or two of the restaurants would serve us something other than grouper. Was I wrong. Half, HALF the restaurants we tested failed our Grouper test! When the results came back, I think everyone in our investigative unit here, thought, "wow, this is something big."

Following ABC 7's investigation, our results have appeared in various publications including the Washington Post. We've learned several other television stations from across the state and the nation have conducted their own fish tests. A local competitor (who shall remain nameless) even attempted their own seafood investigation looking into whether or not lobster served at a local restaurant was really lobster (I don't think $2.99 "lobster bites" from Long John Silver is an accurate test!)

I digress. Back to Grouper.

Grouper is THE fish of Florida, and the Gulfshore is a mecca for diners with taste buds for the popular gulf catch. So, to find out half the restaurants we tested were really serving us something other than grouper was huge. When we confronted each of the restaurants that failed our first test, the owners and chefs told us they had no idea. They even showed us invoices and frozen import boxes that clearly stated grouper. I believe them. I think what their reactions prove is just how big an issue the problem of fish substitution and mislabeling is for the fish industry and pinpointing blame is almost impossible. Depending on who you ask, restaurants blame suppliers, suppliers blame distributors, the bottom line, it can be anyone of them!

Since our investigation, most of the restaurants who failed told us they made changes - altering suppliers, taking Grouper off the menu, the owners from one restaurant even asked their supplier to provide DNA test results with each shipment. But did these changes make a difference?

Tonight we go back to each restaurant who failed our first Grouper Test, to see if what they serve us this time, is the real deal--here's a hint: not everyone passed!

We also uncover startling new statistics that shed light on just how rampant bogus grouper is on the Gulfshore. What we uncover is sure to leave every grouper diner inspecting the next grouper dish they order on the Gulfshore.

Don't miss the second half of our 4 month long investigation: Bogus Grouper on the Gulfshore tonight at 6pm on ABC7 News.

Suspect any restaurant isn't serving you the real deal? Let us know! We welcome any and all comments.

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