Monday, March 12, 2007

CARFAX-- Does it Really Know All the Facts?

It claims to be your "most trusted source" for history on used cars, but can the online tool, CARAX, really be putting you in danger behind the wheel?

Tonight ONLY the ABC 7 Whistleblower tests the popular website on cars right here along the Gulfshore. We find time after time, problem cars...dubbed perfect in the eyes of CARFAX! In fact, wait till you see our own live truck engulfed in flames...and what a CARFAX report stated after the car was completely destroyed. Then, we showed that same video to a CARFAX rep.

We knew this was a story that needed to be told, when we contacted CARFAX in DC to get their side of the story. We expected a written statement, or a telephone interview, but the Director of Communications at CARFAX told us he would be willing to fly down for an interview. This NEVER happens. In our business, on-camera interviews with companies based in other parts of the country are normally reserved for the network! After doing a little more digging we found out why CARFAX appeared to be so willing to fly down for our 20 minute interview!

Before you dish out the cash for a CARFAX report, watch the Whistleblower Tonight at 6pm on ABC 7.

As always, your comments are welcomed.

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