Monday, March 12, 2007

CARFAX-- Does it Really Know All the Facts?

It claims to be your "most trusted source" for history on used cars, but can the online tool, CARAX, really be putting you in danger behind the wheel?

Tonight ONLY the ABC 7 Whistleblower tests the popular website on cars right here along the Gulfshore. We find time after time, problem cars...dubbed perfect in the eyes of CARFAX! In fact, wait till you see our own live truck engulfed in flames...and what a CARFAX report stated after the car was completely destroyed. Then, we showed that same video to a CARFAX rep.

We knew this was a story that needed to be told, when we contacted CARFAX in DC to get their side of the story. We expected a written statement, or a telephone interview, but the Director of Communications at CARFAX told us he would be willing to fly down for an interview. This NEVER happens. In our business, on-camera interviews with companies based in other parts of the country are normally reserved for the network! After doing a little more digging we found out why CARFAX appeared to be so willing to fly down for our 20 minute interview!

Before you dish out the cash for a CARFAX report, watch the Whistleblower Tonight at 6pm on ABC 7.

As always, your comments are welcomed.

Friday, February 23, 2007

Comment on the ABC7 Grouper Investigation

Just click below on the the word comments to let us know what you think about the ABC7 WhistleBlower Grouper investigation

Bogus Grouper on the Gulfshore

Four months ago, we began an investigation that has now spread like wildfire across the state. The idea first stemmed from a St. Petersburg Times newspaper article which found restaurants in that area serving up bogus grouper, but charging customers for the real thing. We knew if it was happening up the road, chances are, it was happening here, but to what extent?

Back in November, we tested the grouper from 8 randomly selected Gulfshore restaurants. Then, we had the DNA of each grouper tested, to see if what we ordered was really grouper. To be honest, I thought, MAYBE, one or two of the restaurants would serve us something other than grouper. Was I wrong. Half, HALF the restaurants we tested failed our Grouper test! When the results came back, I think everyone in our investigative unit here, thought, "wow, this is something big."

Following ABC 7's investigation, our results have appeared in various publications including the Washington Post. We've learned several other television stations from across the state and the nation have conducted their own fish tests. A local competitor (who shall remain nameless) even attempted their own seafood investigation looking into whether or not lobster served at a local restaurant was really lobster (I don't think $2.99 "lobster bites" from Long John Silver is an accurate test!)

I digress. Back to Grouper.

Grouper is THE fish of Florida, and the Gulfshore is a mecca for diners with taste buds for the popular gulf catch. So, to find out half the restaurants we tested were really serving us something other than grouper was huge. When we confronted each of the restaurants that failed our first test, the owners and chefs told us they had no idea. They even showed us invoices and frozen import boxes that clearly stated grouper. I believe them. I think what their reactions prove is just how big an issue the problem of fish substitution and mislabeling is for the fish industry and pinpointing blame is almost impossible. Depending on who you ask, restaurants blame suppliers, suppliers blame distributors, the bottom line, it can be anyone of them!

Since our investigation, most of the restaurants who failed told us they made changes - altering suppliers, taking Grouper off the menu, the owners from one restaurant even asked their supplier to provide DNA test results with each shipment. But did these changes make a difference?

Tonight we go back to each restaurant who failed our first Grouper Test, to see if what they serve us this time, is the real deal--here's a hint: not everyone passed!

We also uncover startling new statistics that shed light on just how rampant bogus grouper is on the Gulfshore. What we uncover is sure to leave every grouper diner inspecting the next grouper dish they order on the Gulfshore.

Don't miss the second half of our 4 month long investigation: Bogus Grouper on the Gulfshore tonight at 6pm on ABC7 News.

Suspect any restaurant isn't serving you the real deal? Let us know! We welcome any and all comments.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Who's Using Your Identity?

Since I started reporting for ABC 7 nearly one year ago, I've had the opportunity to expose a wide range of consumer- related issues. From bogus grouper being served on the Gulfshore, (we continue our expose this Friday at 6pm) to an Indian scam preying on desperate illegal immigrants. But this next story, which airs tonight at 6pm, stands out for many reasons. It humanizes how desperate illegal immigrants are to live and work in the USA, and the extremes they'll go to stay here.

Tonight, only ABC 7, reveals how illegal immigrants are robbing you of your identity so they can find work here. It's the hidden cost behind the politics of a debate that has brought the entire country to its feet. Whether you support immigration reform or not, this is a story that impacts every one of us.

We introduce you to two victims on the Gulfshore. One of them, can't find a job, because of the damage that has been done to her identity. The other victim shares how for three years, at least two - possibly three - others were living and working on the Gulfshore AS him. Imagine, three people assuming your identity at the same time and you don't know it!

Find out why this crime even has local and federal authorities stumped for answers. See what you can do to keep your identity from being stolen by people who aren't even supposed to be here.

Immigrant ID Theft Tonight at 6pm ONLY on ABC 7.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Thread Count: Do You Get the Real Deal?

It's an investigation that, perhaps, boils down to one question: How much are you willing to spend for a good night's sleep?

In the world of luxury sleeping, the mantra is this, higher thread count, means better quality, and of course, a higher price tag. But when you splurge for 600 or 800 or, even 1000 thread count sheets, do you really get it? That's what tonight's ABC 7 Real Deal Investigation set out to find out.

We hit two of the most popular linen giants on the Gulfshore, Linen N Things and Bed, Bath & Beyond. We spent nearly $1,000 on sheets- from $60 pillow cases with 1000 thread count, to a $5.00 flat sheet advertising 250 thread count.

Then we had our experts count every thread....every single thread. Who knew there was such a science behind bed sheets? Tonight you'll see what we mean when we reveal the results of Thread Count, Do You Get the Real Deal?

Tonight on ABC 7 Gulfshore News at 6pm.

As always, I welcome your thoughts.

Thursday, February 15, 2007

Medicare Phone Scam Hits the Gulfshore

The Lee County Sheriff’s Office has received reports from local seniors who were called by the "National Medical Office." The telemarketers insist seniors need new ‘verification card numbers’ from Medicare, and then ask seniors to disclose their checking account information.

According to complaints received by Medicare, the bank account numbers are used to electronically withdraw money from consumers’ accounts. The phone number given by the company is identified with a P.O. Box in Champlain, NY on the Canadian border.

According to the Buffalo Better Business Bureau, the company has an unsatisfactory rating due to unanswered complaints.

ABC 7 Works For You with Tips to Protect Against Medicare Scams:
--Don't let anyone come into your house uninvited.
--Don't provide personal information during marketing activities.
--Never give out your Medicare number (social security number) and personal financial #'s.
--Legitimate Medicare drug plans will not ask for payment over the telephone or the Internet. They must send a monthly bill.
--If you have questions or concerns about any activity regarding Medicare,
call 1-877-7SAFERX (1-877-772-3379).

Thursday, February 8, 2007

Handicap Parking- Do You Really Need It?

How many times have you witnessed someone pull into a handicap parking spot only to, literally, jog their way into a store? We've all seen it, and chances are many of us were left shaking our heads at the "presumed" disrespect of the act. After all, who would park in a spot reserved for our community's physically vulnerable, just so they could nail a prime spot?
We found out.
Boy, did we find out.

What we discovered were drivers, young and old, men and women, taking advantage of the system and, dare I say it, their own family members' disability. Our hunt spanned several days with Sgt. Bob Yates, a 20 year veteran deputy with the Lee County Sheriff's Office. He's a hard core southern gentlemen, who wears his badge with honor. If you're breaking the law, he's going to find you and let you know it.

It took only moments before we found our first violator. A woman, who claims she was buying medicine for her sister-in-law, only her sister-in-law wasn't in the car. Busted. Another guy simply confessed, his placard was really his wife's, who wasn't with him. Then there were violators who got angry at us. One woman said to our deputy, "you're mean." I couldn't believe how many people put up a fight. Another even told our deputy to, "go catch someone really breaking the law." As if! I couldn't be more proud of Sgt. Yates when he calmly responded, "I just" Go Yates, I thought to myself.

In the grand scheme of things are these violators, committing crimes that will leave children parent less or community's in danger, no, of course not. But they are robbing people, people like Bruce Wix. At 40 years old, many men are married, with children and reaching their prime. Not Brucey. Instead, he's wheelchair bound, physically immobile, and barely audible. Brucey was born with cerebral palsy. He loves to go out, but it's always a gamble. Some days handicap spots are available, some days their not. His mom describes the hunt in one word, "wicked."

Our investigation lead us to discover the extreme measures people take to, essentially, walk a shorter distance. Talk about being lazy. We uncovered, placards that were literally copies printed off a computer. I mean, really! In fact, one was a copy of a placard who's real owner died several years ago! C'mon people! We even found permits sold on the internet. We purchased them, 100 for 50 bucks.

I finished this story and found myself left with one question unanswered, why? Why would someone who didn't need to park in a disabled spot, deliberately park in one? Laziness? I don't know. Maybe. It's a question I'm not even convinced violators can answer. Now that I think about it, I don't know if I even want an answer. If you don't have to park there, don't. If you don't need it, stay away. You can walk, people like Brucey Wix can't...and never will.

I welcome your thoughts.